Songs# :

Ye Bhi To Insaan (2) lyrics in English, Hindi - Fashionable Wife (1959) | Asha Bhosle

Ye Bhi To Insaan (2) song is Bollywood, Hindi song from movie Fashionable Wife (1959) sung by Asha Bhosle. Ye Bhi To Insaan (2) lyrics of this song is penned down by Bharat Vyas while music of the song is given by Suresh Talwar.

Ye Bhi To Insaan (2) song details

Song : Ye Bhi To Insaan (2)
Movie : Fashionable Wife (1959)
Singer(s) : Asha Bhosle
Composer(s) : Suresh Talwar
Lyricist(s) : Bharat Vyas
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Ye Bhi To Insaan (2) lyrics

Ye Bhi To Insaan (2) lyrics in

Insaan nishak santan yha bhi to insaan nishak santan 
Ki hamse aise chhua chhut kyu tum pvitra ham achhut kyu
Insaan nishak santan yha bhi to insaan nishak santan 

Uch nich kale bhed bhaw chhod ke 
Ham ladenge aaj ye diwar tod ke
Jiske dwar bnad ho us ram ki kasam 
Ab na koi kar skega ham pe yha sitam 
Chal pda zhan gandhi ka lo wardan 
Ki hamse aise chhua chhut kyu tum pvitra ham achhut kyu
Insaan nishak santan yha bhi to insaan nishak santan 

Badal gai yha kudrat kyu hamse aisi nafrat kyu 
Badal gai yha kudrat kyu hamse aisi nafrat kyu 
Chhote bde samjhne wali badhti jati yari kyu 
Ram mandir me ja sakta chuha billi kutta 
Par sidi bhi chhu nhi skata yha insaan ka hauaa
Ham papi aur tum dharmi kyu insaa hame jwab do 
Ham sewak aur tum shwami kyu insaa hme jwab do 
Ham achhut aur tum pvitra kyu insaa hme jwab do 
Jwab do jwab do jwab do 
Insaan nishak santan yha bhi to insaan nishak santan 
Ki hamse aise chhua chhut kyu tum pvitra ham achhut kyu
Ham bhi to insaan nishak santan ki hamse aisi chhua chhut kyu

Lyrics by : Bharat Vyas

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FAQ about "Ye Bhi To Insaan (2)" song

Question: Who is the singer of "Ye Bhi To Insaan (2)" song?

Ans: "Ye Bhi To Insaan (2)" song is sung by Asha Bhosle.

Question: Who is the composer of "Ye Bhi To Insaan (2)" song?

Ans: "Ye Bhi To Insaan (2)" song music composed by Suresh Talwar.

Question: Who is the lyricist of "Ye Bhi To Insaan (2)" song?

Ans: Bharat Vyas written the lyrics of "Ye Bhi To Insaan (2)".

Question: What is the name of "Ye Bhi To Insaan (2)" song movie?

Ans: "Ye Bhi To Insaan (2)" song is from movie "Fashionable Wife (1959)".

"Ye Bhi To Insaan (2)" गाने के बारे में अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न

प्रश्न: "Ye Bhi To Insaan (2)" गाने के गायक कौन हैं?

उत्तर: "Ye Bhi To Insaan (2)" गाना Asha Bhosle ने गाया है।

प्रश्न: "Ye Bhi To Insaan (2)" गीत के संगीतकार कौन हैं?

उत्तर: "Ye Bhi To Insaan (2)" गीत का संगीत Suresh Talwar द्वारा रचित है।

प्रश्न: "Ye Bhi To Insaan (2)" गीत के गीतकार कौन हैं?

उत्तर: "Ye Bhi To Insaan (2)" के गीत Bharat Vyas ने लिखे है।

प्रश्न: "Ye Bhi To Insaan (2)" गाने वाली फिल्म का नाम क्या है?

उत्तर: "Ye Bhi To Insaan (2)" गाना फिल्म "Fashionable Wife (1959)" से है।

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